The effects of detraining

Now that autumn has arrived, the clocks have changed and shorter days are ahead, the cycling miles tend to drop. With this reduction in miles also comes a reduction in fitness. The ‘use it or lose it’ cliché applies to the reversibility principles of fitness and exercise. How much fitness you lose if you decide to take a break or due to illness depends on what component of fitness is being discussed. Muscular strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular will all decline at different rates.  Below I have attempted to explain what happens to the body of a club level cyclist who puts his bike away for the next six months till the clocks change again and joins the majority of the population who do not participate in any exercise at all.


Day 0-3

After 3 days of inactivity, your fitness will have actually improved if you had been training hard up until day 0. After 3 days of rest your muscles would have had time to fully recover; glycogen stores replenished and muscle fibres repaired. At this point metabolic changes in the muscles are enhanced and maximises the ability to produce energy from fat stores and uptake glucose to fuel the ride. This is why tapering works before a big sportive and you shouldn’t ride right up to the day of the event.


Day 7 (Week 1)

After a full week on inactivity, changes are occurring that start the decline in fitness. The muscles now become less efficient at up taking glucose from the bloodstream. They rely on limited glycogen stores and are less efficient at replenishing those stores after exercise. Blood volume can be reduced by up to 12% causing a decrease in the amount of blood you heart can pump, per beat and in volume per minute. This results in the heart having to work harder to sustain a given workload than it did 7 days ago. The muscles are also starting to be less efficient at coping with lactate accumulation during hard efforts. Thus, the amount of time able to sustain hard intensity will decrease due to the burning in the legs and breathing demands.


Weeks 3

By week 3 the prime measure of aerobic fitness, V02 max, will have declined by up to 20 percent. The cause of this is multifactorial: reduced cardiac output due to reduced blood volume, reduced muscle mass of the ventricles of the heart (the pumping chambers) and a reduction in the network of very fine muscle capillaries which reduces oxygen uptake in the muscles. Furthermore, lung function also decreases due to the weakening of the accessory respiratory muscles within the ribcage.


One month

After a month all the above changes continue to progress, but with additional fundamental muscle changes. Muscle capillarisation will have returned to pre-training baseline (but is still likely to be higher than someone who has never trained). Biochemical pathways are becoming less efficient, making it harder to burn fat for energy and reducing endurance levels. Muscle mass is declining, reducing power and strength (and all out sprint speed) and muscle fibres are turning from Type IIa ( high intensity sustained efforts) to Type IIx fibres, which have much reduced endurance capabilities.


3 months
After 3 months without exercise, the ventricles of the heart can be reduced by 25%. The mitochondria within each muscle cell, the powerhouses that convert oxygen into energy, become less efficient by up to 45% and decline in number. Biochemistry changes mean that a return to exercise now, releases more stress hormones at a given intensity as it becomes more stressful for the body, which then increases recovery times.


6 months
The clocks have changed again, the days are longer and the good news is that your fitness declines have mostly stabilised. However, the volume of mitochondria per unit volume of muscle is still slowly declining, further reducing the ability to use oxygen. Although you might not have gained weight on the scales, the decrease in daily calories burnt and a loss of muscle mass, would have been balanced by an increase in fat mass and risk of diabetes and coronary heart disease.


The Good news

All of the above detraining effects can be reduced to a minimum with relatively small volumes of the right kind of training. Research shows that reducing your training volume by two thirds won’t harm your fitness, provided you include some very intense work, such asintervals, in the remaining one third. It can’t fully stop the decline in muscular endurance capacity to sustain long 50-60 miles rides, but it certainly prevents decreases in the cardiovascular system.

If you haven’t already done so, think about investing in a turbo-trainer or other training device for the long, dark winter nights and poor weather.

Tempophysiotherapy can now test you on your own turbo trainer, calculate your training zones and provide training plans to maximise your potential. All that’s needed to get the best out of your sessions is a standard heart rate monitor and watch, and a cycling computer set up on the back wheel ( a Garmin does all of these!)

Heart Rate Training Zones

The first sportive of the season (Kentish Killer) is less than a month away and the rain is seriously hampering outdoor rides, so most of us are cycling indoors at present, either on  Turbo’s in the garage, stationary gym bikes or taking spin classes. To get the most out of this type of training it is vital to train at the correct intensities and monitoring heart rate is the easiest and cheapest way to do this. However, there is a lot of misconception about heart rate training zones and using inaccurate ones means wasting time and even decreasing fitness. Hopefully, this blog will help to clarify some of these misconceptions and improve your training sessions.

Physiological basis of heart rate monitoring

The only true way to measure intensity and work rate is in a laboratory, measuring oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide output via a face mask, which is impractical for every training session. However, the more intense the exercise the greater requirement of oxygen to the muscles which requires the heart to beat harder to supply that demand and thus by measuring heart rate we are indirectly measuring oxygen consumption.

Without testing there are some common equations that estimate the maximum intensity and heart rate;

220 – Age

The standard way of working out heart rate zones is to use the 220 – age equation to give a maximum heart rate (MaxHR) and then multiply by 40%-80% (sustainable aerobic to approx. lactate threshold) to get the desired intensity level. This calculation can still be found on gym aerobic equipment charts but it has some major flaws;

Firstly, it assumes that every person of the same age has the same fitness level and/or the same maximum heart rate. Secondly, it doesn’t take into account the resting heart rate, and assumes it is zero (which would be death!) and thirdly, has been proven to be wrong by +/- 20 bpm.

For example, using this equation my MaxHR is 220 -42 = 178 beats per minute (bpm) and thus my 40%-80% cardiac zones would be 71 - 142bpm. However, in a lab test, my MHR is 191 and my lactate threshold is 168 bpm (87% of MHR).  If I had trained based on the 220-age equation I would have decreased my fitness quite dramatically.

A more specific way is to use the Karvonen formula which is based on your estimated MHR but also factors in the resting pulse rate. This is known as the Heart Rate Reserve formula and is a little more complicated to work out:

Using this method my Heart Rate Reserve training zones would be calculated as below:
(220) - (your age) = MaxHR
(MaxHR) - (resting heart rate) = HRR

(HRR) x (40% to 80%) = training range %
(training range %) + (resting heart rate) = (target training zone)
220 – 42 (age)  = 178 (MaxHR)
178 – 54 (resting pulse) = 124 (HRR)

124 x .4 = 50 (40% training percentage)
124 x .8 = 99 (80% training percentage)

50 + 54 = 104 (target training zone, in beats per minute)
99 + 54 = 153 (target training zone, in beats per minute)

Thus my 40%-80% cardiac zones would be between 104 – 154bpm. A slight improvement on the 220 – age equation, but still not accurate enough to use as a training protocol compared to Laboratory testing.

For the unfit these cardiac zones are a good estimate, but for anyone who is looking to improve their cycling or running performance there is a need for a greater degree of accuracy to maximise the effects of training sessions. Apart from laboratory testing, there are a number of sub maximal tests that have proved to be significantly more accurate than the above equations. Tempophysiotherapy use the Carmichael 8 min test which has been validated to laboratory tests to be statistically significant.

Using this test my MaxHR was 189bpm and lactate threshold calculated at 166 bpm, both within 2bpm of the laboratory test and far more accurate than the equation formulas.

All that is needed is a stationary bike, a heart rate monitor and interpretation and calculation of the results which Tempophysiotherapy can provide. From this we can use specific cardio zones to target training to your needs or weaknesses such as hill climbing or riding faster for longer in a group, and we will provide specific workouts to improve these areas so you train smarter not longer.

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3 factors of cycling performance and winter training


Summer is over and the rain has arrived and although there is no real substitute for long outdoor rides, maintaining or even increasing performance is possible during the winter with a bit of knowledge and a training plan. Using a turbo trainer (or any stationary bike) might be the only option available during the next few months, so this blog is about how to get the best out of your turbo training. I’ve heard many say that sitting on a turbo is boring, but that is only when they have no plan or structure for the session. Very intense and hard work it might be, boring it is not.

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